Drying Department

Drying Department


Textile material may be dried at several stages in the production sequence and the ubiquitous drying process has often been condsidered familiar, simple, and uninteresting interest has increased, howeever, since 1973 when oil price rises focused attention on the high energy consumption of drying process.

Convective dying

All methods of dying require the transfer of heat from a heat source to the water in the material being dried. Enginners have
identified the factors determining the rate and efficiency of the diffferent modes of heat transfer. The use of powerful fans and
well designed pattern of jets, gives optimum rate of heating (and removal of water vapour) by reducing the thickness
of a boundary layer of air that moves with the fabric the conduction of heat across this thin layer is the slow step of the process comparable the diffusion of dye into the fibre in a dying process